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A True Global Dream Of No Injustice

Writer's picture: AnnAnn

It is in this moment, today that we can decide to live and to act accordingly to the laws of our Heavenly Father and to go forth in faith and strength. As this is our inheritance. We are given power to not hoard and store up but to release the goodness of Jesus Christ to the nations. It is up to us to bring forth and to liberate the people of this world globally. Gods children apart of one large family who have long suffered in bondage.

We are followers of Jesus Christ the Most-High God and it is through our obedience in such matters and duty as His followers to share in this audacious injustice against the poor, and a global catastrophe of poverty. We no longer offer any concern or love toincreasing poor populations of the world. To make known the words of Jesus Christ His words and His heart for the entire world. The Lord Jesus Christ is not partial nor are we to be. We are not to be partial to any race, class, region, geographical location, age, gender, poor or rich.

In Godseyes, we all are in His divine likeness and thus being said are here to not oppress our brothers and sisters but to free them. We all want ministries and a pulpit how many ministers are being paid for what God gave you freely? Are you partial to the poor? Is our outreach exclusive to only those within a certain threshold of budget? Have we stewarded the gospel which saved our lives, into such shame? We have lost our love. If I remember correctly Jesus never went a single place and charged a single person for healing or to speak the word of our Heavenly Father!

The church of Jesus Christ is now claiming business is the church, and the poor and those who suffer in poverty are falling into the cracks. You shepherds who are not leading the sheep through the valley of Baca, repent now the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The Lord's sheep are stuck and it is because of the greedy hearts of shepherds who in the selfish carnal dispositions feed themselves and neglect the Father's will.

Freely we have received Freely we give! That starts right now. I speak sharply not to offend but because the heart of our Heavenly Father is broken of the stumbling blocks leading his people to the pits. I cannot stand by passively, as a daughter of the JesusChrist, saved by His grace and mercy.

If I may so boldly say now is the time we take off the shackles we too have placed on Godsbeloved the poor. We must stand firm and oppose what is wrong in spite of what culture, society, as the rules of corrupt organizations present. We are not here to be popular but to bring forth the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

These long-held strongholds of mindsets must be broken. We must commit ourselves and step into releasing the gift that our God placed inside each of us to help the world advance into true Global economics which is a non-paritalworld. To bring heaven here on earth. To release the laws of heaven here on earth.

A true powerful global perspective. We are not slaves to anything we are to follow the laws of our God and be led by the Holy Spirit in all matters.

I first speak directly to my brethren who have the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, and to those who have moral social compassion and decency. It is time to stop OPPRESSING THE POOR! It is an economic outrage! We afflict the poor and oppress them at the gates. We are to help the poor and has Nelson Mandella said "WE MUST MAKE POVERTY HISTORY!!" on a global scale if we seek to set out into global market places we have automatically assumed the corporate responsibility to influence nations and to bring forth systems of liberty and freedom, not rob them of there resources.

There is no freedom in any place where poverty still exists. Most of us live in lustful trends of abundance and not once think about those who are forced into a broken system often from the birth of disadvantage, social abuse, child labor, disease, lack of education, and institutions.

A global epidemic of crimes against humanity, while we sit back and stand and covet pulpits neglect the poor and claim the name of Jesus Christ. How dare us it is an insolent outrage and insult to the cross of Jesus Christ and violation of the laws of God. There will be judgment, we know this, it is the word of God. We know how this all ends my brethren what are we waiting for?

May I ask that we employ ourselves as I ask myself the same questions as well what happened to a healthy fear of the LORD, where is the reverence? Have we lost our minds? Is the blind so fit now to lead the blind into destruction? many want to stand in a position but not actually lead, you want to lead the vulnerable to no destination but to rob them of there dignity.

It is our responsibility to look to those in poverty and disadvantages well-being, we MUST act.

The move of Globalization in our economies has long violated developing countries and made the rich richer, and affects numerous industry. A standard in this age which should not be acceptable, and is not acceptable. As a wealthiernations who move the economy to undeveloped challenged countries to increase already abundant overflows in vats and introduce alarmingly unethical unstandardized working environments to developing nations.

This has long since been accepted and should not be so.

What statement is being said to the nations we oppose upon that out of our abundance and just as Egypt we tighten the noose around those already suffering in poverty to make capital gains. The reality is we are not free when such crimes of humanity exist and injustices against the poor.

Human beings are not slaves, we live in a lie of projection of misguided truths and accuracies of the nations around us. We claim they are our enemies some long time hoax to plead ignorance. Yet we have long been robbing the poor and laying burdens and yokes on their necks, and reviling them for centuries. This is not new.

There is no true globalization without equality in classes, and international standardization by which local and domestic capital markets are increased. The flow capital gained from globalization is to meet the needs of the global markets all over the world not flow into a few organizations that aredominating the poor and robbing them of their God-given natural economy. Using unethical means and shortcuts to obtain the gains.

The idea of touching international market places without proper planning to decrease poverty in other developing countries cannot be tolerated. I know some say we have created jobs in these developing nations which they would never have had. Outrageous, propaganda and an audacious claim to justify evil. I strongly disagree we have created a slave system that does not develop the institutions of their land, but line pockets overseas and promotes a corrupt system exploiting the already disadvantaged. Who needs our help, not our oppression.

Let us rethink globalization as a nation and as the children of a loving God who loves one another. Together withone who liberates not oppresses as businesses and corporations, it is our moral prerogative and corporate citizenship to see to these matters diligently. Our duty. There is no question about it, that we must seek mercy for the generations of oppression the western world has placed among the rest of the world and I, Wanda-Ann, am and will be an Ambassador of Jesus Christ inmoving forward in seeing the changes globally in our nations and generations in the name of Jesus Christ forever. In the greatest humility love and seek the restitution justice cause of the poor and be about my Father's Business.

We must ACT & STOP Now

Repent as the poor seek our assistance and not our smite.

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus,

Bless each and every one of those in the chains of poverty this day, and many more. I pray an abundance of resourcecome upon them now in Jesusname. I pray you will remove every shackle and every chain of oppression of the enemy. I lift up those precious children who are forced into child labor and robbed of their childhood. Father send them manna from heaven and angels to minister to your beloved. For the woman and children being abused in developing countries and our own backyards by systems and practices governed to harm them instead of protecting them. We repent in the name of Jesus Christ. Change our hearts to your heart Holy Spirit, and may you find us on our face in repentance at the coming of your Son.

LORD may God have mercy on us all

It is time to change the world and right now

In the name of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS

Jesus Christ

Forever lifted High the Almighty

Amen & Amen

For your love mercy and truth endures forever.

A woman of God with a broken heart over the injustice of this world only heaven knows


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