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Are You Dead Works?

Writer's picture: AnnAnn

It is completely possible that we are in this position of oblivious danger. A place of producing, creating, blindly actively participating in, things that seem good but are not RIGHT. Many things are good but are they actually what we are supposed to be doing? That is the real hard question we must ask ourselves every single day. We must take it before the Lord.

Our own carnal fleshly ambitions can drive us into seemingly good things. We are not hurting anyone so we do not think anything of it right? The truth is though our Heavenly Father does think something of it? We are here to do His will and in that everything we could possibly want is in that. But can we trust Him?

How do we define this, it is actually simple anything apart from doing the Father's will is simply not right. We are to actively be in this position of inquiring what that is with Him all the time we have here on this earth, with all our heart, mind, souls, strength. That is it.

In no way does this mean that we will not make mistakes, and that is what grace is for. Jesus knows the motives of our hearts.

We can only know this truth of His good and perfect will by truly being in His presence and living and being led by the Holy Spirit.

What an oxymoron right? good and right? It seems like a very subtle difference, and that is the case with most sin. It is the very nature of and the root of sin. Everybody knows almost doesn't count.

Yes, we can easily pour all the time allotted in this world and be doing "good" activities. Giving to charities, volunteering, baking cookies, even going to church, even operating and functioning in a dead or worse flesh operated ministry. Seems good but it ain't right!!


This is one of the most deadly venoms destroying the church of Jesus Christ. We think because it looks good to us, it is pleasing to God. We have taken the Holy Spirit out of His own house and for some reason think this is ok with the LORD? We have become good actors and actresses, we deserve Oscars for our religious performances. We, my family, need to realize that we seriously need to repent. We are not fooling anyone not the Holy Spirit filled true followers of Jesus Christ, and we are NOT fooling Jesus Christ.

We must repent, we are digging our own graves and we think because maybe we have skimmed below the radar that we get that get of jail free card. No! we haven't. The church is the Bride of JESUS CHRIST! You better be wise and believe He is going to have something to say about sons of Adam who think they have somehow taken authority from the hands of the One who made us all. We are not the drivers we are the passengers. The Church of Jesus Christ is not a business.

We have been warned in the Word we know better. Flowing in signs, wonders, and miracles needs to be discerned now more than ever. Many are performing witchcraft and trying to put the name of Jesus on it. Their hearts and ministries rooted in their own lust of the flesh passion for power and pride. Manipulating and executing dominance over the tender sheep of Jesus. Do not be deceived we are living in dark times. There is a counterfeit for everything of the Kingdom of God and we can only discern the difference by the power of the Holy Spirit, not opinions or the advice of the sons of Adam.

The goal is deceiving us into thinking we're good, we're on the right path, but in reality, we're far from it. That is what deception is!! We must ask ourselves am I doing man-made works instead of the Father's will? Is the will of the Father far from us? Are we standing in a position within the body we were never ordained or called to? or did WE decide we wanted to be like someone else so we took it? stealing. Well, get out of it if it does not have your name on it and take what was given to YOU! Not to your brethren.

This usually happens to brethren who stop seeking the LORD, or who refuse to repent, or fully surrender some area of their lives. Or like Saul cannot accept the Father's will.

The truth is we can do what we call "God things" as a culture, but not actually be doing them to further the Kingdom of Heaven. We are simply doing them to further our own man-made agendas. Filthy rags to the LORD. Jesus Christ doesn't need our man-made works He needs our obedience and repentance, our humility. We can be doing "works" and not even have a relationship with Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. This is the case, my brothers and sister.

Any works I don't care how "good" it seems if the Holy Spirit is not at the center of that work. STOP IT NOW, and REPENT. It is better to do no works than to do false fleshly works in the name of Jesus. We cannot please God with our flesh it is enmity to God. Repent and run back to the cross and your first love Jesus.

Going to "Church" and being a Christian, making "Pastors" our Holy Spirit, and idols. This is a rampant sin that needs to cease immediately. That by our flesh works we are good people? We are not fooling God He knows what's really under the hood. This is wrong.

I say this to warn you, my sister and brothers. Just because a human being slaps the name of Jesus on something does not mean it is Holy Spirit-breathed. Or that Jesus even has anything to do with it.

We need discernment as a body. Especially with what assembly we attend, or ministry we are seeking deliverance and healing. Especially Deliverance ministries please pray and seek the Lord. There are legit Holy Spirit ministries that the Holy Spirit moves in this way of healing and deliverance, but the truth is far and few in between. Unfortunately, many counterfeit. Be careful who lays hands on you. We often glorify the vessel instead of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit alone who brings healing and deliverance and when we seek the Lord with a sincere heart He will not withhold any good thing from you. You will know the tree by its fruit. It is not a person it's the Holy Spirit who moves and frees all by His divine plan.

Don't just trust man and flesh. Don't just follow someone because they say they are a pastor. You have no idea who that person is and even if they are following the will of the Father for their own lives, or as a leader. Some pastors sadly do not even have the helmet of salvation, yet are preaching messages.

Some people run churches out of the simple fact they love the title of being called a pastor. They actually do not even have shepherd hearts.

Our Head cornerstone is Jesus Christ. Lean on Jesus not organized religion and social clubs.

A lot of the time as humans we can the tendency to do these things for our own self-gratification, and glorification. Somewhere down the line losing the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It could be from unconfessed sin and disobedience. It does not really matter but we need to know how to spot this in ourselves and the Church at large.

Be careful! Don't let anyone try to trick you into thinking they're our door to the Holy Spirit or we need them to be in good with the Lord. Run.

I have had several experiences with so-called "servants" of Jesus Christ, but they turned out to be nothing more than agents of the devil luring and deceiving.

Brothers and Sisters, we need to blow the trumpet on this. Many are falling away because of false teachers, prophets, and pastors. Many of the Lord's precious sheep are being brutally hurt by these wolves. We need to wake up and seek the Lord.

The church is being defiled into some money making Ponzi scheme! an outrage! The Holy House of the Lord Jesus Christ is being blasphemed Defiled! It is an outrage to our Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ. As true believers, we should not be accepting of this.

This is not okay to allow the devil to defile the Holy House of Jesus Christ and we sit back and say and do nothing. What upsets our King should upset you.

Father in the name of Jesus,

Lord have mercy of us!!

We all need to take some time and make sure first and foremost before we go running to another believer or human being, ask yourself this. Do I spend time seeking the Father and asking Him first? Quieting my soul? Am I spending time in prayer and repenting of sin? I am inviting the Holy Spirit into my heart, mind, body, soul to do great work and heal me? Do I genuinely seek the Father's will or do I seek my own?

As true believers of Jesus Christ, the first place we should run to is our prayer closet. No one can help us but Jesus Christ, and if the Holy Spirit guides us to other believers than we obey. But first, we go to our Heavenly Father. Have our intimacy with the Lord.

We have been gifted this honor by the blood of Jesus Christ to sit and lay and commune with the Lord.

I encourage us all my brothers and sisters to examine ourselves. One thing I am learning in life is that people actually do not like the truth. We would rather believe lies because the truth convicts us and causes us to address ourselves whereas lies don't. The truth, however, will set us free.

I know it is not easy to face ugly truths about ourselves it is hard. However, Jesus did promise us He is more than enough for us, we can trust Jesus.

Let us all examine every facet of ourselves inside and out and see if we're doing dead works. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to expose us so we can repent and change our hearts. This is not to shame us but to free us. The purpose is that we are fully living our God-given destiny and purpose and serving Jesus Christ in wholeness. We cannot afford to waste time pretending.

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus,

Thank you for your grace and mercy for each and every single one of us. Thank you for conviction of sin so that we can enter into a closed space with you. Circumcise our hearts Holy Spirit. Change US! Thank you that you really love us and we can trust you with our hearts and lives. Father, I ask you to remove our masks. Holy Spirit strip us down if you have to so we can remove all the dead things from our lives, cleanse us in your righteousness. I pray for real life to flow out of us. I pray we stop trying to manufacture the Holy Spirit like the world manufactures products. Holy Spirit make us holy as you are holy. Forgive us for doing things without you, without asking you, without talking to you. Have mercy on us in the name of Jesus. Forgive us for thinking we can do things apart from you. I beg you to Change our hearts. We need you, Lord Jesus. Come closer to us than ever before and lavish us in your grace until we empty out self. I love you Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Bring us back to our first love our true love You Jesus. Let us boast in the Lord and the Lord only and become God pleasers, not man pleasers. Thank you for forgiveness, and thank you for your blood, Jesus.

I pray in the name of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS

Jesus Christ

On earth, as it is in Heaven

We worship you for alone are worthy. You are Holy and Mighty Our Rock

Save now LORD Deliver us! Forgive and have mercy on us.

Amen & Amen.

~A woman out of the tomb you take emptiness away


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