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Are You On His Time

Writer's picture: AnnAnn

Tick tick boom!

This is the effect time can have when we decide to take it amongst ourselves and act like we own some. We don't own any that is what I call a LIE.

Time is the most precious thing we can give to Jesus. He wants our time more than our offerings, and church attendance report cards, He desires to have a relationship with us a true knowledge of Him? Does he know us? besides the obvious way, He created us but does He know us?

Time is an interesting treasure because as humans being carnal minded most of us operate on the wrong pocket watch. I know sounds crazy but it is the truth.

What is the time? As I decided to embark on a beautiful hike on a cold February Canadian winter day.

The sun and cold wind grazing across my skin, the crispness of the air awakening my lungs causing me to appreciate being alive. I could feel the cold in my lungs. Everything was bare and buried in snow. I sat on my bench where I used to meet with Jesus in the summers in times long past in a place in my life. In the middle of essentially nowhere.

Being alive, being present in that cold moment. As I sat on the hard-cold bench and went still remembering our conversations and the love we shared together on this bench. Remembering the tears. I focused on my surroundings.

I heard the distant promise of spring as the sparrow chirped. As I got up from my soaking in His presence and continued to walk I found a great sense of peace. The peace only found in Jesus Christ. I knew my King was with me on my walk.

This came to me.........

What is the time Jesus? There is no such thing as time Wanda. Time is a lie. My response wait what?

Not the way I perceive it anyway. This is hard to explain for the carnal minded. Of course, time, exists in moments, just not the destructive weapon the world has made and used of time. The time we're presented with is the world's idea, but the more and more we grow in the Holy Spirit and live by the Spirit we know this to be a lie.

We are infinitely more than what we see. Time the one we know that is like brass around our necks, a noose. The type we count to make money. The one we count when the bills start piling up. The time I am referring to is the man-made slave invention of it; which creates one thing, worry, anxiety, and fear.

Fear then indoctrinates and dominates society, culture.

This was made to catch us and get us operating under fear and pressure in the world and the kingdom of darkness timeline.

Seldom does it produce Divine Order or even true prosperity? The way I perceived time and its uses, has taken the purity of God out of the equation and forged it into a weapon against me instead of seeing it as a gift of His mercy and grace. Time is a blessing.

The concept of time I am referring to is this time manipulation the dreadful burden of it. We live in a blind world. Just open your eyes next time you take a walk most people can't stand the time they have been gifted with. They do not give it to Jesus Christ. They suffer in silence and fill there time with pathetic empty attempts of this world to feel some sort of acceptance, validation, and counterfeit love from a dying world that does not love us.

It is heartbreaking. What we need is the remedy, Jesus Christ.

Our manmade time is not always in sync with God's time, and in this revelation, by the Holy Spirit. I realized how much I obsess about time. The stress of not having enough of it. Complaining about the loss of it. Using it as an excuse to not take responsibility for how I use it. The truth is NONE OF THIS BELONGS TO ME. I am not my own. Father forgive me for I have sinned against you in this area, and taken what you have blessed me with for granted. I CAN feel the tick of a clock. Count the minutes until I have expired.

But when I am one with you Jesus time is removed.

Time, the way I know it, the way I allow it to govern me, dominate my mind. It is cruel. I really don't know anything about time, or the occurrences ahead. Only My Father does and His time is the only time that matters. I try to put a timeline on His time. I am His servant I am on His time for His pleasure. He is watching us all.

It is not my time. My time is not my own. God is always on time. Everything is borrowed from the Lord. We own nothing.

I AM the one who is usually messing things up with my tantrums about not being able to control His universe to my will. Control His time?

I believe we are ALIVE. I believe in life and death, the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is faithful when we confess Him as Lord and confess and repent of our sins in Jesus name.

I am going to run out of time here eventually. I am less concerned about that and more concerned about being one with Jesus.

Earthly conditions and circumstances change unexpectedly. Everything is changing. I thought this gave me the right to take power over "my" time or what I perceived as my time.

When my patience runs thin all of a sudden it is time to take time into account. Time is passing and aging. Time is beautiful. Time can be sped up or slowed downinr our regard. I believe that. The acceleration and delay are all up to the Lord. Nothing is out of His control. If we truly needed something we would have it.

I want to unplug all the clocks and start living in the supernatural with the Holy Spirit. Create a new Kingdom of Heaven realm here on earth to observe time as in nature. Which is born and has a determined end.

We can see the sun go up and down. Why not program ourselves to use the time the way animals and plants do. Why do we have to have it down to the second? The minute? Who cares what time it is? We are still breathing we are all good kid. I feel like I have spent so much of my life being controlled by time. What time is it? Who cares if we're still alive!

If I want to work in the twilight hours so be it. If I want to work in the day hours so be it. This abusive structure kills us. Designed to suck everything good God placed inside of us out, so we lay like dead plants in the shade. How can anyone create like this?

Some things and people just quench the Spirit. Keeping it real.

I am not saying life should have no order, and caution to the wind. I believe in divine order, and I am not talking about living like an idiot. Or use this time thing to be a jerk, and abuse the time we have been given.

God is up to something new in me, and His children.

Why do we all try to function in this time realm of bondage? Doing the same things we hate. Then we repeat it, daily. Only to complain about it tomorrow, and never change the very thing driving us crazy.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting to get different results. Our society I feel is designed to make fools out of us all. It is pretty good at it too I must admit.

If I have air in my lungs and life I have things to do for the Glory of God my Father, The maker of heaven and earth. Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Save me from this slavery.

Let’s do this.

Maybe I need to find a new way of doing things. And I will.

Father in the name of Jesus,

Thank you for showing me what is actually important to you. Thank you for your friendship and wisdom Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit. How your wisdom trumps all. Thank you for loving me as I am. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for teaching me. Correcting me. Just being good to me. Thank you for bringing things together for me. Showing me areas where I waste time focusing on time. Father, I pray that you continue to share your Kingdom Visions with me and that you bless all of us all over the world and those that have felt the clock ticking. I love your perspectives and shifts that show me how little I am. Help me to focus less on a clock and more on being aligned with your timing. To align me with your will always Father. Abba I belong to you. Thank you for freeing me and others from the anxiety of time. Holy Spirit thank you for guiding me. My faithful guide through the dimensions and shadows of this life. I pray Father that I get better with this. Bath me in your riches that are not of this world. The treasure of hidden places.

In the name of the KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS

Jesus Christ

I worship you mighty awesome God

~A woman lost abound in the time capsule of Heaven


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