I write maidservant of the LORD Jesus Christ, in which I am forever indebted to the cross of Jesus Christ. I share the heart of our God that we are not ignorant of the gravity, and global magnitude of the wars in front of us and already among us. Precious sons and daughters children of God, my brethren I write to you in the name of Jesus Christ our King to inform you that we must ACT in obedience and no longer do what we want to do, but we must step into the Father's perfect Will and be led by the Holy Spirit to be about our Father's business and not our own.
The global dissensions and factions that have firstly broken out like an infectious disease in the beautiful Bride, the Church of Jesus Christ is evident and obvious to us all and a cause of a global catastrophe in the church and the world.
We see it understandably so in the world as it is written. Each and every one of us is called by our LORD Jesus Christ to preach the True Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our hearts and the world. To make disciples to pick up our cross and follow Jesus to wherever He may lead us.
Each of us was uniquely created to fulfill important valuable positions in the Kingdom of God and we must align ourselves to those positions immediately.
We are not to covet the ways of God and the workings of His glorious might in our brothers and sisters. We know the LORD is not partial and in all His ways He is most excellent. We are to be the hope and light of this world to all those who do not know salvation and the fullness of the love Jesus has for them.
As we know as those who truly follow Christ with a sincere heart know the things that have been written long ago, that we may take heed. These Global dissensions and factions, corrupt governments in the Church of Jesus Christ, and secondly in this fallen world must be abolished.
By His mercy, we all are being called to repentance and to turn back to our first love Jesus Christ that we may be presented to Him spotless and pure.
These things precious sons and daughters you know, we also know God is love, righteousness, and justice. In our heavenly family amongst the brethren, the love of Christ should manifest in abundance. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We have forgotten the basics of our faith and gone in the ways of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. We have rejected the laws and commandments of God and will suffer for it.
These factions amongst the ranks of the army of the LORD has caused great strife, discord, quarrelling, and carnal disregard for the those God ordained to have authority in the ranks. Many sheep are falling through the cracks and have stumbled. Gods sheep are starving.
We are on the verge of a global catastrophe that we have yet to ever see here on earth. Which will destroy much human civilization as we know it and much of the human race will perish. I urge each and every single one of you and myself to sincerely with all our hearts REPENT the Kingdom of God is at Hand! and by His mercy and grace, we have this opportunity today, right now.
May I remind those who claim the name of Jesus Christ, I plead with you please throw yourself before the throne of God and ask for mercy, run back to your first love. It is not too late. He loves you. No matter what sin it is I assure you His grace is sufficient. Please run into His loving arms He is merciful and abounding in love.
That very heart of God does not desire us to perish in eternity. Our hard-heartedness and pride have caused many of the children of God to suffer this fate many in are in a pit for torment, wishing for one more shot at His mercy.
We must remember to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. To be diligent until the end. Each every one of us will stand alone before God not with our pastors, friends, or family we will stand before the LORD alone and will give account. The LORD is the only just judge who knows the hearts and minds of His people.
I urge all my brethren to unite in the love and unity of Jesus Christ and destroy all factions, corrupt governing powers in the Church of Jesus Christ. I pray we all put away all dissensions and submit our ways to the LORD all over the world.
I understand and with a full heart acknowledge that these dissensions and factions also exist are rapidly emerging in the global atmosphere. The corruption is in all places of rank and government, through the world and the church. The global economics of this world have long since oppressed, controlled, and manipulated those it was intended to liberate. What was made for good has been used to harm and cause partiality unto His children.
Many afflictions have been given by a system that has been installed into the lives of those who we are to protect. We have lost our humanity and put capital gains before hearts, and souls of our Lord. We have neglected corporate citizenship at a global altitude and are oblivious and ignorant.
We no longer care about humanity! What about the poverty those suffering from the social injustices, created by our governments. We now globally use government and wealth to harm humanity in every place in this world. We have defiled and violated the laws of God every God-given way and form. We have defiled the mercy of free will and of government to push the entire world into a Global Catastrophic Disaster destroying much of the human race. We have put politics, popularity ahead of humanity and we will be judged. May God have mercy on us all.
All sciences, education, given to provide and build healthy global economics and sustainable JUST societies, and institutions have now been used to shackle the people in chains and destroy our human rights and civilization.
My heart breaks because this has all happened right before our eyes, and in that we all are responsible.
I stand and say ALL should be truly FREE, there is no true freedom where these crimes of humanity are being committed.
We may be able to fool ourselves and the person beside us. I tell you now we are not fooling GOD He is coming and He is coming with a sword, and He is the Judge of all. It is time to repent and turn back to God.
We must take a stand and fight for those sitting under injustice globally and truly change our positions and hearts in this hour. We must align ourselves with the Fathers will.
I bless each and every single one of you may the LORD wreck our hearts and draw us to our knees to repent.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ,
I pray for all nations all over the world. I pray firstly for my brethren that you remind us that your kindness leads us to repentance. Change our hearts by your Holy Spirit. Come close to us. I pray that you would give us hearts to seek after you and do your will Father. I bless you Lord for you alone are worthy. I pray for those all over the world in bondage shackles and chains whether from governments all those who are suffering under the yoke of oppression and bondage. Set them free now in Jesus name. I pray the true gospel of Jesus Christ to explode all over the world in this hour out of those with a sincere heart who are your beloved may we rise in this hour, and go forth as warriors into this dark world as shining lights.
In the Name of KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
I will exalt the name of Jesus Christ
Your love endures forever
Amen & Amen
~A woman who belongs to the LORD