Romans 8:29-30 New King James Version (NKJV)
29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
I write to speak on a subject many fall and stumble at, and eventually are devoured. It is the abomination of deception and manipulation that is running rampant in the Holy House of Jesus Christ. Defiling what is sacred and Holy and deceiving the masses.
At some point, all followers in Christ Jesus are presented with this circumstance, or you can just talk to someone who has spent some time in the "church" sadly. This is not the way it should be but it has become a breeding ground of wickedness worse than that of what lurks outside, and it is heartbreaking to Jesus Christ.
The church is supposed to be a House of Prayer, it has become nothing more than a cesspool where many sheep fall prey to the flesh and the wills and wants of sons of sit on the throne of His justice and righteousness instead of God. Lacking in divine wisdom operating in human wisdom, which is lavished freely, and without Godly fear, and pursuing the flesh mans desires.
Many come against God Ordained Ordinances and scheme in the dark all in attempts to usurp the very authority of Jesus Christ. Wolves in sheep's clothing preying on the vulnerable, devouring those still stuck in sin. The lie is and has not changed much since the beginning religious factions, groups, and or individuals who attempt to deceive brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
The deception begins with and from that you need to "qualify" in human terms through them or others to do what our Heavenly Father has already called you to do, being justified, and given His seal to do.
No mere human authority and blockades trump what the Holy Spirit has spoken to us. Only planting tares of doubt and deceit while in most cases the works of dishonest gain and advantageous devious plans to harm and take advantage of the hearts of the naive.
Many of us family fail to see because of our love that this can be possible among us. But it is and I assure you is happening.
The truth is, do not be deceived my family do not get caught in the snare and naively fall prey to these tactics of hell. I encourage all of us in these dark times to spend times of intimacy with the LORD seeking the Fathers will. In these dark times, our assignments will become increasingly more difficult.
We can often think the enemy looks like something outside of us, but it is infiltrated and around us all I assure you. Especially if you have a calling and purpose on your life. Power and the Kingdom attract heaven and unfortunately hell.
I wish I could tell of a world where we all were loving genuine after Gods heart, but I know that is not the case.
Our promises and promotions usually mean that other lustful brothers or sisters in Christ who may feel in their flesh they are to be promoted don't get promoted. Few celebrate or will be happy about your promotion.
Instead of laying hold of what God blessed and called them to do they will covet what God has called you to do. This is the disunity in the church, we all want to stand at another post not realizing the dysfunction it creates.
If God wanted others to do what He created you for He simply would give it to them, but He didn't and that is not for us to question. Only God knows His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours.
As carnal humans, we can easily become envious and create strife, disunity, and deception all based around being hurt that we think we deserve what God gave someone else His anointed. I speak as one who is no different than next a child of God that without the Holy Spirit is nothing.
We are allowing our flesh to wage war against the Holy Spirit and questions arise amongst brethren I have been on the scene longer? I am more intelligent? Better looking? Better skills? Every possible carnal human argument we can think of. Agreements from hell. We can look at King Saul and David. The once anointed of God falling with no honour, no one feeling the pain of that as much as our loving Father and King David.
Failing to acknowledge the evident truth that has been told through the word of God through many fallen Kings. How us carnal humans beings, who without the Holy Spirit are nothing, who are not "good" by nature. It is the very mercy and presence of the Holy Spirit the only good in us where we can accredit righteousness.
This lust for power is the danger the Word of God speaks about. This is what corrupts our hearts some of us even unaware of our motives.
Mortals mere flesh does and cannot evaluate the things of God without the Holy Spirit and the LORDS ways and our ways are far from equal in our understanding. Furthermore, we put ourselves on the wrath path when we try to usurp the plans of our Almighty God.
The truth is the lost sheep of Israel is by far the most challenging group of people to minister truth to. We think because perhaps they have known the LORD once in their hearts, some pieces of light and goodness will cling to righteousness. Or at least better than those in the world. But then I look at the word of God and all the prophets, apostles, disciples and Jesus Christ himself being murdered on the cross and I know that it is not the case. A truth I cannot deny the very thing we want to help is wanting to kill us.
I love Jesus He was so bold in how he moved. The way He spoke the way He healed, the way He confronted. Fearless, loving, bold, graceful. So many powerful things at once. He was and this is an understatement but culturally controversial. The people of His time did not understand Him at all.
I guess the deception is thinking the ways of wickedness have evolved in the hearts of man since the time of Jesus when He walked the earth. It is the same devil though same tricks same lies. As we read the word and look at the world around us, it is evident that not much as changed but our costumes.
Darkened hearts the hardest to minister truth to, who deny the Holy Spirit. Breaking off man-made traditions and factions is a dirty fight that usually has causality. Whether backslidden at heart still knowing the love of Christ once shining bright. One would think it would be easier to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost sheep of Israel.
We often fall into the lies and hands of men who try to govern us that were never meant to. Or we give sons of Adam positions of authority over us when it may very well be the very opposite, or you may even have been ordained to have authority over them in a Godly way.
Wolves who will try to enforce authority over you, but can't bend the knee themselves to the authority of Jesus Christ.
It is a mess, unfortunately, all true followers of Jesus Christ will endure it as Jesus Christ did himself and no disciple is above his master.
Jesus endured a ton of church politics and just plain stupid audacious religious acts from people who had no idea that they were interacting with the Son of God! The same blindness is happening today. We must discern.
This puts the fear of the Lord in my heart, and so does what He has asked me to do.
What a scary notion!? We have not evolved much since those times. I wonder if Jesus Christ came to our church if we would even discern it? Or maybe we would ask Him for money to use the salvation He freely gave us to show off "our" authority in His church. Would we let Him in?
I love all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that the love of Jesus Christ compels the lost sheep of Israel to get real! That we tell ourselves that every day and work out our salvation with fear and trembling. That we all will first and foremost stop lying to ourselves we are not fooling God and drop the act, we all need Jesus daily and without Him, this is all nothing! It is NOTHING! If our faith is not centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Father's will it is NOTHING! MEANINGLESS! All our striving all our suffering for what? We mock the one who chose us or those He has given us.
We need to stop with the games it is a serious hour, stop with the manipulation (witchcraft), stop with our man-made agendas, and look upon the one we have pierced!! Lord have mercy on us.
Too long have we defiled the Holy House of the Lord Jesus Christ. Too long have we lost His sheep and wounded His sheep because of our own selfish agendas and unwillingness to deal with the sin in our own hearts. I get it no one is perfect, but why can't we all get to a place of love where we can confess and just say LORD I'm sorry! I am a sinner, we all are.
When are we going to stop pretending? We all need Jesus we all mess up. My hope is that we would actually be able to trust each other enough to repent. His kindness leads to repentance it's not a plague that word its a blessing. It is a gift mercy is a gift.
I'll go first if it helps. I am human just like all of you family. I'm far from perfect and ironed out. I fight sin every day. I'm not some aristocrat genius( not that there is anything wrong with being an aristocrat if you are) but I have a genuine love and heart for Jesus Christ.
We have lusted after the power and position, and not the King. We want His stuff but not the King. When is it going to STOP? And maybe you will not like my words and that is ok. Do we want to go to hell? or have we been sincerely saturated and prostituted ourselves to the world that we have lost the genuine FEAR OF THE LORD!
I beg us all to turn from our sins seek the face of the Lord Jesus Christ with a sincere heart. Run back to our first love Jesus, choose Him again as we did at the beginning.
Also for those of my brothers and sisters who can feel the weight of the will of the Father on your life. I bless you to hang on, because it is finished.
When will we love and help each other with pure motives and clean hands?
Father in the name of Jesus,
I pray that you call us all to repentance we all need You, Jesus. I need You more every day and I confess I cannot and will not live off yesterdays grace. Father help us to remember it is by grace we have been saved not our own works. That you have created all things including the Kingdom and you alone govern it. I don't why we all are called how we are but we are, it is not for me to question your ways just to obey. Father help us that we would bend our knees because you're a Sovereign Holy God. Your Lordship over Your church is not to be trifled with, and have mercy on us for sinning against You. Mercy Abba! Father circumcise our hearts again and again. Change us Holy Spirit only you can. You are not interested or impressed by our dead works and personal resumes of the collections of accomplishments we have done in our flesh. I am sorry I know we all fall short. My heart burns and I know nothing is accomplished or stands without you including me. Have mercy on all of us. Continue to correct, change, rebuke, realign, teach, and position us on your truth and your truth alone. I bless you my King Jesus in the valley and on the mountain top for You alone are worthy. I owe my life to You and I thank You for being my Rock and whom I will trust forever, thank you for never giving up on this kid. You are so faithful wow even when we are not.
In the name of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
I bless you for your divine Headship your wisdom alone trumps all
Only you. It's always you. I don't want to see me only you.
I praise you, lover of our soul's author finisher,
Amen & Amen
A child of God who knows what she is called to do,
so please get out of my way all workers of flesh and iniquity