Proverbs 14:12 (NKJV)
12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.
Divine Wisdom, not man's wisdom. I love this word.
Our flesh does not receive this wisdom, the wisdom of God. Truly as my life progresses closer to Jesus Christ, this truth lingers in a profound life-altering way. It is a dangerous thing man's wisdom our own wisdom. Do we know how to discern the difference? If not, why have we not inquired of the Holy Spirit?
It is apparent that to be a follower of Jesus Christ it is not optional but imperative that we always walk in the Holy Spirit. We cannot make it any other way. That is the truth. The narrow gate is hidden we have to seek it to find, and it is worth true life is found.
Without the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us, we're nothing but unpleasant flesh. We do have a true KNOWING for ourselves, Jesus Christ. Do not be naive we will deceive ourselves. Without knowing the bare bones and leaning on our churches and fellow followers of Jesus Christ to hold up our faith. The real course of is found only dining with Jesus.
I assure you any who follow this way of leaning on the flesh for the Kingdom of God will not make it, especially in the times to come.
I say this with the utmost love, beloved that many are deceived, many more will be deceived, and the pure bride of Jesus Christ will be only the elect left standing. We must imperatively understand this hour, that unlike sons of man our Heavenly Father is not into or concerned about quantity He wants quality.
Our faith will be tested persecution will come, and many cannot even stand without it now. It is imperative to stop trying to say all the right things but not have the Holy Spirit leading you.
The precious sheep are being lost at the gates by selfish, cruel, and lewd leaders and imposters slaughtering them. Being devoured by those who seek their own selfish agendas over the blueprint from heaven.
God is not pleased we are not cute. God is not stupid nor can He be manipulated by His created vessels.
The reality is no, most of His shepherds are not doing a good job. We are not getting a gold star and the Lord's justice is coming. Repent. No more games no more pretending. No more fake public prayers and fasting, no more messengers warning. Gods justice.
Jesus wants a pure bride, not harlots who are married to the lust of the flesh and this world.
This sifting separating of the beloved many will be exposed and fall. My heart is we all repent and really chose love. We must ask that our Heavenly Father search our hearts so that we are not deceived, by others, and our own flesh.
The Lust of the Flesh is a huge deal it is sin! We underestimate its power when we allow it to just run rampant in our lives, and self-righteousness.
The Lord kept me and has exposed me to a variety of things for this purpose of shedding light in all the dark places of this world. For the edification of you my brothers and sister. There is No Fear in LOVE. Perfect love cast out all fear, that is our bread.
We must ask constantly for deeper revelation on what this means. This love that is only found in Jesus Christ that casts out all fear. The resurrection power that lives in us through the Holy Spirit. We can do whatever we ordained in the Kingdom and for the Kingdom, but if we have not love it is meaningless. The love of Christ is so powerful and protecting. He loves us all.
Be encouraged if satan himself is trying to steal our treasure, and opposing us, our family, health, ministry, marriage, children you got a full house of treasure! No one robs an empty house. No one is rattled by no one. When the Lord moves opposition comes it is only natural be not dismayed.
The problem is without Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, satan often beats us to this knowledge, therefore opposing us since birth to steal us of what is rightfully ours. He is the Father of lies, that is the game. He makes us believe lies about ourselves, our family, everything, so we will never know the truth because if he can keep us from the truth we are no threat to him.
Do not play the game see you later. We sit with Jesus Christ in the heavenly places.
It is a war for our souls. He wants us to ultimately die, and he is the one to guide us to meet eternal torment with him if we CHOSE this.
Do we want to stand there in confusion realizing we fell because we believed his lies, he mocks our deaths and takes us to be tormented for eternity. By then it is too late to repent. Hell is a very real place and the absence of God. The deception is most have no fear of the Lord because they don't believe in righteous judgment or that hell exists.
We must know the times we are living in seek divine wisdom. That is also one of the greatest lies since creation. Be encouraged and prepare yourself in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why would we want to go there when we have a beautiful choice of Heaven the presence of God and His love?
This is unwise and poor choosing.
Press into Abba His love, call on Jesus Christ in private. In your prayer closet, in your bathroom, in your dark room on your pillows. It doesn't matter where. He loves us He died for us.
It is not complicated or partial salvation is for everyone. If you feel the pull in your heart say this prayer, ask Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you, don't take my word to seek Him call on the name of Jesus Christ. Seriously with a sincere heart call on Him that you may believe and your eyes are opened.
Father in the name of Jesus,
I confess I am a sinner and I need your help, Jesus. I need you, Jesus, to come into my heart and life. I fully accept what you offered freely when you died for my sins, so I could be free. I confess you as Lord and Savior over my life. Come in save me.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen
I thank you and bless you Lord
I have learned it is impossible for one to be touched by or encounter Jesus and remain the same. Impossible. Love is the ingredient that changes everything. It is LOVE nothing else. GOD IS LOVE. You can exhaust yourself every other way, but the truth remains. This is a journey an unveiling of a life a choice. May the transparency of my sins and journey be a light to those hiding, and may it be a testimony that will kill every doubt, fear, condemnation, and yoke of bondage, that you're too far gone to receive the love of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus,
I pray that captives would go free right now. I pray in the name of Jesus you would break every yoke and bondage of satan in your children's lives, hearts, souls, and bodies in the name of Jesus. He has no place near us as we rejoice knowing our names are written in the book of life. I decree you release furious rebukes against the enemy in the name of Jesus. I pray you would expose the enemy in every area of our lives. Shine your light Jesus in every corner and crack. Seal and surround us with your love. I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every one of your children's souls. May we have the courage in the day of battle to take cover under the shadow of your wings Father. You are our solid rock and firm foundation. Unite us together with others who can encourage us in battle. Let us never forget that we are under the blood and in the love of Jesus Christ who died for our sins. May no lie prevail against us. I declare that we are free in the name of Jesus. We are not our own, we belong to you, Jesus. I claim everything the enemy has taken satan you cannot have us, and for those, you have had long enough I command you release all souls to Jesus Christ right now.
In the name of Jesus Christ
Author & Finisher
On earth, as it is in heaven
Amen & Amen
~A Woman loosed by fire