Out of Order
What is the true order? The truth is two versions of order and rhythm exist when we live a life with Jesus Christ. One is the order of this world, which is completely counter as opposed to the Lord's divine order. The second is the existing extravagant order of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. This order is and can only be led by the Holy Spirit.
We all are continually learning this dance with the Holy Spirit daily fighting our fleshly nature. Knowing that what we perceive in the natural is not the full truth. I should not even say that it is the product of what is happening in the spiritual realm.
As a family in Christ, we are missing one of the most crucial parts of our precious faith. That is living and learning about the Holy Spirit, which is a life led in the realm of the Spirit of truth. The path is truly narrow not because we do not have access, because we chose not to walk the narrow path.
So what is order? Order of the world looks a lot like the transgression of true faith. We throw it the term faith around. This term order we use in our assemblies, order your tithes, why does everything in our culture that looks is supposed to look like alignment translate into the order of this world? Carnal. I don't think so this is a lie and is garbage and not the way it should be.
The more I read the word of God, and family we should come to the truth the real truth. Look back to those who died for the faith what is orderly about that to the world? You tell me how to live a life like? Ministering the word of God and being murdered for it how that correlates to the world? Do we build our lives like this? Like the true disciples of Christ, we read about and teach about in the word of God?
Do you think Paul, Peter, and many of the other disciples' brothers and sisters of Christ had excel spreadsheets of there financial plans, and how they were going to make it to the big pulpit one day?
No, they were sold out in shackles and chains singing alleluia walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Their lives looked nothing like ours today. We have become faint because we have counterfeit faith, we try to use it as a magic potion to get the selfish motives of our greedy hearts, and slap the name of Jesus on it.
Read 1Peter
The true disciples of Christ were sold out no matter what! They never transgressed in their precious faith no matter what was happening to them. Why? because they did not live for the pride of life and this world or life. They knew treasure was truly stored up in heaven, found only in Jesus Christ. The true disciples of Christ were obedient unto death. They took death as an honor because they knew they were going home, to a greater eternity.
How many of us live in this reality?
The disciples of Christ went through the most horrid tribulations that most of us could not even endure for 60 seconds. We would crumble like ash. We complain about not driving the same car as our neighbors and how brother so and so is speaking in the pulpit and not us.
A very dangerous poisonous wickedness is defiling the House of Jesus Christ. A false doctrine and gospel that is a stumbling block to all the children of God. Making the vulnerable and young spiritually weak. Allowing the kingdom of darkness to prevail over us? When we have the power and authority in the name and by the blood of Jesus.
We must get rid of the world in us. We must repent. We must give our lives and get over this whole death thing. We are going to die regardless and that we need to just deal with it. Nothing any of us can do can change that.
Romans 8: 38-39 (NKJV)
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The first thing is that nothing is supposed to have the power to move us from the love of Christ, and one of the first things listed above is DEATH. Death is not supposed to have any dominion over us or is sin! When we truly have the Holy Spirit indwelling in us we are free from a life of fear and when that truly manifest in us we become fearless and full of Holy Spirit Courage.
Romans 8: 1 (NJKV)
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who[a] do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
This constant illustration in the word of God what living in the flesh looks like, and how that is a complete contrast to a life lived by the Holy Spirit.
As children of the most High God, why is this happening? What is it about living by the Holy Spirit that offends us so? Why do we choose to feast on dirt instead of taking our own rightful place in the Kingdom and at the Kings table?
The truth is we all have our place reserved for us in the Kingdom and at the King's table, but we want someone else's most of the time. Why do we covet? because we are too lazy to inquire of the Lord and find out what he has for US with our name on it. Why? because we are fearful that our presents look different than those of our brothers and sisters. Do we not know our Father in heaven gives us perfect gifts? He gives us what we need and that sometimes may look different than what we want.
To divine order, not the order of this world. We ought to look completely different than the world. We are not to be conformed to the world, we are to transform it. We cannot transform something we want to be accepted by.
Father in the name of Jesus,
Help us all! You are everything Jesus! take over every area of our lives. Consume by fire everything in our lives that you did not put their Father. Remove and with thanksgiving, we thank you for all the things that will be consumed by Your holy fire that we made in our flesh. I pray that our hearts only desires would be the desires of your heart. May we be one.
In the name of the KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
We bless you, Great King, We praise your name forever
Awesome God
Amen & Amen
~A woman whose steps are ordered by a radical faithful God.