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Selfish Ambitions The Silent Killer

Writer's picture: AnnAnn

The truth is that as much as we like to excel and perform in our lives in our carnal beings which is always the easy choice. We live in a world and culture that is driven off of "self". We get sucked into this death trap silently like a dark sort of vacuum type of vehicle of sin and deception. Creeping in unnoticed knocking on our doors at every opportunity.

To follow Jesus Christ is to not look anything like this world. To not lust after anything in it, to only be wholeheartedly set on preparing to be heaven bound. To go home.

When Jesus walked about this earth in the flesh people everywhere were healed, demons screamed in terror, people were truly set free, and religious regimes despised Him. The world hated every moment of it. They did everything they could to shut Him up and attempt to silence Him. So much so we murdered Him. An innocent man, guilty of nothing but loving people and preaching truth. It is not much different today.

The truth is we're not of this world, and only with the Holy Spirit will we see the bigger picture of what is happening in this world. We don't have to rely on the carnality or others when we seek Jesus with a whole sincere heart. Our Father is more than willing to tell us what is going on, but we must seek Him to find.

We must always understand the Sovereignty of Jesus Christ and the seriousness of our sins.

Without this, we fall prey to selfish ambitions which is a sin. Yes, being selfish is a sin, not just a mood, it is a sinful attitude of the heart. The very opposite of what Jesus is. This manifests in the lust of the flesh usually. Or we compare or covet of another's talents or gifts in the Kingdom of God. We covet what is not ours, we covet Gods favor and mandates on others. We covet ridiculous things. Meaningless a chasing of the wind kind of thing, pursuits, relationships that will add no value to the ones it was NOT given to by our Father.

We spend most of the time wondering why we are not instruments like sister and brother so and so? because we were not created to be. That is the truth. The LORD can only answer those questions and heal that wound in our hearts that covets.

We all must ask ourselves this question are we seeking flesh to unlock the Kingdom of God or our purpose and destiny in Jesus Christ? Are we trying to make our agenda the Fathers? Are we relying on someone else's anointing to make our relationship with Jesus Christ kindle? Are we drinking salt water wondering why we are always thirsty?

My family this is so dangerous, no point laboring anything in the Kingdom of Heaven if it is not birthed in genuine love for Jesus Christ, and the Fathers perfect will. We can't steal His stuff and skip over Him? We cannot be made perfect in love this way.

As the LORD in His mercy is showing me our selfish ambitions are a very good soul meter of what is in our hearts. We have to get to a point of not assuming but seriously asking is this a part of the Father's will for ME?

We often treat this like it is some complicated process like the Father is withholding from us and doesn't want to give us all wisdom and understanding.

The truth is that most of us are simply not lovers of the truth. We don't want to hear the truth about what the Father wants for us because it is never easy. It opposes our fleshly desires and everything that we think about who we are. That can become too difficult because lies are easier to accept than that of Holy Spirit breathed truth.

The truth is not easy but it is true freedom and life that we have with the Holy Spirit.

Why can't some of us get rid of our ungodly soul ties and relationships that we know are not blessed or prosperous for our souls in the Kingdom of God?

We got witches in ministries, ministering teams, pulpits claiming the name of Jesus Christ undetected and just murdering the shepherds and sheep of Israel! When Jesus walked around the earth in His ministry demons trembled at His glorious presence, one foot in His presence they didn't want to be anywhere near Him! What does that tell us about ourselves? How is it that demons are finding the children of God so cozy? Sin.

We have become comfortable in our own sin. None are immune to this dark dysfunction in our hearts. However, we must fight the good fight of faith every day with the POWER of the Holy Spirit. May we never forget the true wretches and mess we are and were without Jesus Christ and His mercy, and grace. Without which there is no hope for any of us.

We need Jesus every day, like the air we breathe. Now more than ever we are in a critical hour and my heart breaks for the children of God.

However, talents, gifts, passions are great we must use for what it is intended for and not for our own selfish ambitions. We are not clearly taught this through traditions of man but it is however clearly illustrated through the word of God.

We often quote the fruits of the Holy Spirit but forget to first examine our souls and hearts of the sins of the flesh listed before. This is a divine order! Not the organization of our selfish ambitions and carnal pursuits. Just because everything by our carnal eye is pleasing doesn't mean it is to the Father.

I have come to a point where I seek to be so one with the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. I do not want anything outside His will. Why? Nothing awaits me but death and sorrow.

So what am I saying? the implications of the word of God are clear that those who live in such ways with these sins of the flesh evident rampant unchecked unrepented will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Wow! That is a huge truth bomb the fear of the LORD should surge through our pulses right about now if we love Jesus Christ. We are to examine ourselves and work out our salvation with fear of trembling. We often focus on the obvious social failures that culture says are a sin but what about the ones the LORD sees in our hearts? that like a snake coil around us daily?

Selfish ambition is a sin that requires constant repentance. Not everything that is good is right. Just because a door opens doesn't mean it is the right one. Just cause there is provision doesn't mean it is the right choice. This is all in the word of God. We are to live a life of faith, not like the world.

The truth is as followers of Jesus Christ we're supposed to die to self, and part of dying to self is dying to all our carnal and selfish ambitions.

Those who live by the flesh are not the children of God. I encourage us all beloved to seek and read Romans 8 & 9 for ourselves. To ask the Holy Spirit how to lead us in this living.

Galatians 5: 18-23 NIV

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.

We often desire the fruits of the Holy Spirit yet as children of God do not want to acknowledge our need and gift of repentance. This is the only way to manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit through repentance, we find the freedom promised to us and heal our souls.

Where we see selfish ambitions, we will see all other kinds of other sinful wickedness manifest, dissensions, and strife. We cannot even plead ignorance to this as we all can very evidently see this everywhere of course in the world but active now in the body of Christ. We cannot even deny it or argue it as Jesus Christ the chief cornerstone of the church in the word of God told us it would be so in the last days.

Which is the root of most Apostates? We will see these three sins commonly together.

I am just soaking in the gravity of that. When I chose to call myself a follower of Jesus Christ I chose to lose my life to gain life in Him with Jesus Christ. Front and center not a hashtag on my own ways thoughts about what will prosper me the most.

Now as beautiful of a promise that is, this is the most difficult thing any human being can do!! Why my family because we must give up all our selfish ambitions!! In a world, that flaunts, temps, and tells us the very opposite. The world tells us to be selfish. To some, it's our whole family, homes, careers, everything!

Selfish ambitions is not a little whoops, I will do better next time. NO! It is a sin a huge one. Which manifest into others and in our personal relationship with Jesus. Secondly, it manifests in the body of Christ and creates a disaster of apostates, and makes room for the enemy in our leadership and ministries.

It is better to sit alone with Jesus run back to our first love when we know we need to as sin has taken hold. Then to continue on gambling with our souls with foolishness from our carnal reasoning. What would the world think? Who cares what the world thinks! Our eternity and faith is precious do what you have to do.

Nothing is worth our souls even our ministries for God and if God is asking for it, it is because He wants to make it better.

We cannot serve Jesus Christ and ourselves that is the polar opposite of what Jesus Christ taught us and lived. He was arrested, put on trial, beaten, mocked, humiliated, crucified, and by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit raised from the dead. That is in no way selfish ambition.

That is the most cunning trick of the enemy to camo himself in our good carnal intentions. To get us thinking we are doing something good, cuz it may not seem harmful just like Eve did.

Eating an apple in itself is not a sin, what made it a sin is that it was a direct act of disobedience to the will of God.

I encourage us today to examine ourselves with the Holy Spirit that we all may be convicted and fall on our knees in repentance for the many countless sins in our hearts and lives marked with selfish ambitions. I guarantee you will be as surprised as I was.

The serpents that are hiding disguised as the Father's will in our lives. That is what deception is we think my brothers and sisters we are doing a good thing but we are not. Eventually, we believe our own lies so much, we fall in love with them and our conscious sears. We are walking to the edge of a cliff thinking we are on the right path. Not seeing destruction is ahead.

How many relationships are ungodly connections in our lives that are not God ordained? They may seem good but they're not right or of any part of the Father's will for your life. How many pursuits of ambitions are just plain idolatrous thoughts that exist or have manifested with our very hands and mouths? We build businesses, ministries, missionaries, media, products off of our selfish ambitions?

Look at how appalling the number of church buildings that exist in our communities? Each claiming the name of Jesus Christ one on each street alone? Each claiming to be called by the Holy Spirit? Everyone is called to be center stage? Everyone is called to be in the media? I could go on forever. Few called by the Lord.

We must not underestimate the power of our flesh to ultimately lead us into sin snares and hell.

With love in this hour, we must constantly live and not just live but love a life built of the foundation of the repentance of sin. The hour is dark and without the Holy Spirit leading us teaching us, there is no point on pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ!

The Lord will expose us if we don't judge ourselves and the enemy will mock us as we fall. It is meaningless we are not fooling anyone but ourselves. I can't think of a more miserable existence than pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Like without actually knowing Him?

The traditions of men that have forever been waging war against the Holy Spirit have created this mess, in which the LORD will righteously judge and more harshly than those who do not know any better. It is a dangerous soul game, in which with love I urge us all to run back to the Father, to Jesus Christ our first love.

Jesus is not impressed by our spiritual pride and accolades of the flesh. All the Father cares about is if we are obedient in doing the Fathers will and in relationship and repentance of sin with Jesus Christ. Does Jesus really know us? Or has the world sucked us up and we have not realized we have been duped by a crowd of serpents?

Do NOT let shame and embarrassment of being deceived stop you either from cutting things or people off and out. It is never too late and who cares what people think. It can happen to anyone now dust yourself off and get back up and move upwards to Jesus.

Remember we also outgrow people and move forward on the Father's missions. Don't be more loyal to your comfort zone and loyal to dysfunction or lies. Move forward it's called growth.

Let us remember that the Lords' eyes and perspective of us is far different than our own.

He judges every motive of our heart and in fact the more truth we know the more responsibility we have. The more fear of the Lord we need, not fear of man.

We live to please the Father alone, our praise and desire of our hearts are to obtain the praise of God not the sons of man. This is our desire, and not some painful chore but the delight of our hearts and lives. Laying our lives on the altar as living sacrifices able to approve the Fathers good and perfect will.

May we become a selfless generation. May the Lord find us all faithful humble on our face.

Father in the name of Jesus,

I pray for the nations all those who seek and love you with a sincere heart, that you would strengthen our faith and heal our souls that we may be found spotless. I pray that you would convict us of our sins and the righteousness coming of Jesus Christ. That your kindness leads to repentance. Help us all in this fallen world resist fight and expose counterfeits designed to capture our souls. I pray that as your children we do not look like the world but look like you, Jesus. That when we see each other all we see is you Jesus inside each and every one of us.

In the name of the KINGS of KINGS and LORD of LORDS

Jesus Christ

The only true God living God Holy God

His love endures forever and you are truly beautiful in all your ways.

Amen & Amen

~A selfish woman in need of a savior every minute of everyday My Jesus


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