Grab your caramel corn and a hot dog with mustard for this one my brethren. We are going into the heart of the stadium to watch Our Mighty God of Israel lay the smackdown.
One of the many things I love about God is that He is hilarious. Our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor, He is my kind of funny too, or I am His kind of funny. Let's be honest when you read the Word especially in areas of correction, precisely JUSTICE, it is just plain hilarious at times.
My jaw drops and I roll on my bed busting a gut laughing at times. Maybe it is just me? Whatever the case as serious as the Word is, there are so many layers of humor to it. Just things I would never even think of.
Like Oowee that guy just got smoked, those type of moments. Or when David gets descriptive in the Psalms about breaking His enemies arms. I am like yes David! I get you He gets furious!
The thing is that King David lived in such different times and they did do things like break arms. Mind you the laws were much different when you acted up. Justice was very harsh.
When our good Lord humbles and applies justice the tearing down of us the proud. It is always a good show, and sometimes a good laugh. Unless it's us, then not so funny. True story.
You know God loves it too! He lets us puff our chests out as far as we can just to prick us with a pin and totally deflate us like a balloon. We think we are the man or woman, and boom we're on our knees in tears in our prayer closets pleading for mercy.
I appreciate the justice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. He is always on time.
The battle of the dragon of the sea the great terror of the proud boisterous. If you are getting banged up out there this is especially for you. If you are tired of not making any headway on in this fight tune your ears.
This dirty trench can be tricky if you're fighting with the wrong weapon. Us warriors need to know what and when to use our artillery, just like any good soldier. If you're a true brute force warrior for Jesus Christ at heart this may seem awkward at first, but it does get easier as you let the LORD of HOSTS do the hitting.
Resisting this dragon is your friend and not in our carnal nature.
It has to be genuine humility too.
I am sharing this for all those tired of getting death rolled by this dragon of the sea.
(one of my most difficult pieces of training. I have a portion of testimony dedicated to dealing with this dragon of the sea)
The Lord revealed this to me one morning as we walked together in the middle of nowhere. I mean everything I did to engage fell short. I went through an intense season of this, literally leaving me exhausted. Literally, I was being death rolled by a gator trying to throw tight jabs, as I half drowned under the water barely catching my breath. No IMPACT!!
And we have the Holy Spirit it is not supposed to be like this we have the POWER!
Slaying Leviathan is a spectator sport. Get your front row tickets to this fight, get your fan voice on. Let’s get right into this. Thank you, Jesus.
Leviathan is a ferociously proud spirit. Think of the most arrogant proud human beings you know (could be you? lets us pray it is not thank you, Jesus, now multiply that by a million and add demonic steroids)
A super athletic demon on steroids is the best way I can describe, which postures in our culture, society, homes, and hearts quite effectively. I find this ironic considering the size of it? anyway, that kind of level of evil and smothering pride leaves most humiliated and in shame. This being the objective. For the record apparently, big elephants can hide behind teddy bears.
Leviathan loves to humiliate us, and all humility is best done publicly. Sound like the enemy you bet ya! Your reputation, workplace, name, family, ministry, whatever platform you have. We also know the LORD of HOST commander and chief is a God of justice and equality will turn evil on its own head and publicly on our behalf too. The Lord is righteous and just. Hallelujah!
We do reap what we sow, even the kingdom of darkness. When we submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit fully, we open ourselves to the Kingdom of Heaven and continual onslaughts of satan. Living a life of repentance and true relationship with God is a must and it is not always easy in this fallen broken world.
Don't go confront this dragon with shame or condemnation on. He will smell you a mile away and use it against you.
Leviathan loves a public fight and to be center stage, the spotlight. The goal is to make a spectacle. Pride is flashy, ironically what he loves to do to us and use against us is the same way to bring him down! In one sense his own vice is his own net. He wants to entice us to use our own spiritual pride, carnal strength, flesh to engage and entice us to get in the ring.
He wants to provoke us to fear with his overwhelming presence, so we do something stupid, impulsive, in our flesh with no strategy. Don't. Wait on the Lord.
We don't react to Leviathan we tactfully respond.
This fight belongs to the LORD. This is a fight we get to watch. I love watching when the King of Kings Jesus Christ goes to war on our behalf in this warrior way, Leviathan gets owned by the Lord. It sort of reminds me of watching a live boxing match. We get to watch the Lord get in the ring for us. The Lord can and will smash Leviathan. We insult the Lord when we think his created things are more powerful than Him. He is the Most High God He created everything.
Deception. The devil is a liar.
Get your worship on. As saints in this fight, we get to cheer and worship God. Just like a real live boxing match! We're sitting in the Lord's corner, front row seats to watch a great fight. If you're anything like me this exciting, flying popcorn and a sore throat from yelling is a give in.
Have you ever seen those showboat type fighters who parade in front of their opponents because they think they got the fight in the bag? This is how it is with the Leviathan and us.
God wants our praise and so does Leviathan he wants our fear and pride which is praising him.
Will, you play with him as with a bird,
Or will you leash him for your maidens?
Job 41:5
(I am getting a T-shirt with that scripture be real)
This is not a fair fight. This is not a laborious fight for us to be a part of it is a fun fight. If we can pull ourselves and egos out of it.
Please don't get in the ring! TD Jakes said something along the lines of this if you get in the ring for some fights you are going to get your lights punched out. This is the fight where you get to cheer the Lord and throw some praise while the rounds clock out. Loose it in Jesus name.
Not only do we worship we have our feet shod with the gospel of peace. Our worship should come out of our peace, knowing who we belong to. Not our terror. The Lord will come right in and stomp His foot on Leviathans head.
We get to release a fragrance of worship into the heavens. While this dragon thinks he is going to annihilate us. Not!
In my experience, this usually is a five-round fight. I do not mean in a numerical way, I mean the Lord will drag it out because he stretches our faith. In the end, it is worth it to get to watch our foe get owned and showcased.
That's my Abba who brings me the head of this dragon on a chain in my flower dress.
We must worship.
No aggressive warfare praying and declaring we get to be humble and firmly secure on the Lord Jesus Christ, saturated in peace and worship for this battle. Put your fists down and get low.
Joyfully usher in the presence of the Lord. Like your favorite fighter coming out to the ring doing their grand entrance.
You get to be like " Yo! SMASH HIM LORD JESUS!!! Hallelujah, you the man, You are my ROCK” RELEASE THAT STRONG ARM in the name of Jesus!
You have a strong arm. Your hand is powerful. Your right hand is honored
Psalm 89:13
The Lord revealed to me this
It is like a tug of war, the saints and the dragon. Each side has a jug or container. When we praise and worship the Lord it puts power (oil) in our jug and the Lord's strong arm starts to put pressure on the dragon. When we are full of fear and try to be aggressive and proud with this beast it fills up Leviathans jug. He then oppresses us more.
Consistent worship and praise our jug is full fast and TKO. Almost like a race to who can fill it the fastest.
This fight will stretch your faith, in ways you never knew possible. It is a real thing to dance in the presence of our enemies. We give the enemy no attention, he is not worthy of it. We turn to the Lord, seriously the closer you are to the Lord you are out of range of the enemy. What is the enemy going to do attack the Lord? ugh no!
This warfare really stretched me in a deep way in understanding the levels of spiritual warfare. I am really trying to summarize this as much as I can. It is a unique style of fighting.
Kind of reminds of fighting a southpaw for the first time for a lack of analogy.
Worship and peace! Glory to God your mercy and love endures forever.
Get a good song in your heart and a dance in your feet.
Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus,
Thank you that you equip us for battle. Thank you that you desire to give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding through the Holy Spirit. I pray for all my brothers and sisters in Christ right now that are being oppressed by the dragon of the sea. Give us a heart of worship. I pray for the intense release of a heart of worship among your people, so we can stand in battle. I pray Father you would also encourage each and every one of us to come and stay in your peace. That you Jesus truly hold our peace and all our moments. You are Jehovah-Shalom. Give us a peace the surpasses all understanding. Let us rest in you Jesus, knowing you fight our battles. I pray that there would be a return of the joy of salvation to your people all over the world. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Impart on us this day of being pressed that we may walk by faith and not by sight.
Thank you, Abba Father, Jesus, precious Holy Spirit.
You have already overcome! Glory to God.
I decree and declare it in the name of the KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
On earth, as it is in heaven
Amen & Amen
~A women in the shadow of the strongarm and break his arms, Lord :)