Proverbs 9:10 NKJV
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
My family, I write to discuss the fear of the Lord and the spirit of fear. One is from our Heavenly Father and creates a reverence and is what keeps us from turning from right to left. The other comes from the enemy and is used to keep us in bondage and paralyze us from walking in our liberty and freedom of the Holy Spirit.
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
As all things we all should know for ourselves inquiring of the Holy Spirit, minister to the Lord, and read the word. It is true as of all things of the Kingdom of Heaven, the kingdom of darkness makes a counterfeit that harms us. Every single thing that has been gifted to the Church of Jesus Christ, there is a counterfeit from the enemy.
The fear that is meant to keep us in close proximately and intimacy with Jesus Christ has been lost. Instead, most of us are deceived and are walking in the spirit of fear which does the exact opposite. It does nothing but destroy all areas of our lives especially our relationship with Jesus.
The question is how do we end up walking in the spirit of fear? sin. To not walk in the spirit of fear we must live our lives in constant repentance, and we must be perfected in love. Perfect love cast out all fear. So if we perfect love it cast out all fear. We are reminded that we must always keep ourselves in the LOVE of GOD. It is our everything to be in His love in the shadow of the Almighty. To be in His love is to abide in the truth.
We cannot keep ourselves in the love of God if we do not have a fear of Lord. The fear of the Lord truly is (for those who may not understand), it is the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The fear of the Lord is the navigation tool used to help lead us home back into His everlasting arms.
The reward is His presence.
So why is it, we can form boundaries in everything carnal but not understand this principle of a life lived with Jesus Christ?
Without the fear of the Lord, we are walking around with no boundaries and wondering why sin snares us so easily. Sin. We are ensnared by our own ignorance of our own sin and our sin nature. We have this illusion that once we enter the Kingdom of Heaven and receive His salvation that we do not have to fight sin anymore. We forget that walking with Jesus Christ is picking up our cross daily and navigating through this life, staying close behind Jesus. Speeding up and slowing down following His lead.
Sin has many forms not all sin is an outward expression, it can take inward expressions. The inward expressions are the ones no one sees but our Heavenly Father, the ones that we silently murmur in our hearts, and minds. The secret evil of the flesh man that is behind.
Sin is walking in the flesh, sin is disobeying the Lord. The flesh is sin. Our flesh cannot please God it is enmity to Him.
I pray that we all family learn to love and actually appreciate the gift of repentance. We hear it and may we run and get wrapped in it so tight. The reality is that we need Jesus every moment of every day we cannot do real LIFE without Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit leading us.
May the Lord continue to have children who fear Him in all His righteous ways. Lord have mercy on us all.
Father in the name of Jesus,
I pray that you would help each and every one of us. Help us with every sin an issue with our souls and hearts. Only you heal us Jesus, Holy Spirit come and remove our hearts of stone and give us your heart of flesh. That we would come to know the beauty of this place of sweet repentance being on our faces in tears over the weight of our sin. We are so thankful that you love us and died for us, Jesus. Father that you gave your precious son for sinners like me and every soul on this earth. Please give us a FEAR of the LORD that we may follow your precepts and commands. We love you and bless you, Lord. Holy Spirit help us to understand that we need to hear from you daily. We need to know you more and more, and that you are the answer to every problem and situation. You are our intercessor, the best intercessor, may we let you Holy Spirit intercede for us always especially in our weakness. Spirit of truth.
In the name of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
Author & Amen
Author & Finisher
Blessing and honor glory be to you