The great tribulation is coming to the earth, and the good LORD full of mercy, grace, and love wants nothing more than to reach out to each and every one of His people, and our hearts that we may be wise and accept The grace He freely gives.
My people perish because of their lack of knowledge. I believe it and I know we all need help, and we have the Holy Spirit the best helper to teach us and guide us to victory if we let Him. These are very serious times of crisis more than we know, most of us are only seeing what is presented to us by secular outlets and not seeking the Lord to find out what the truth is.
I plead my brother and sisters to get as close as you can to Jesus Christ, wrap yourselves tight around Him. Tuck yourself in His shadow, for He alone, can save us, and He is good! Narrow is the gate and many will fall because of ignorance to the truth. Let it not be so. I pray the Holy Spirit to soften our stone hearts and seared minds. My prayer is that each and every single one of us be prepared, and to prepare others as well as the Holy Spirit leads.
The earth is in agony it is crying out already. Please, never miss an opportunity to forgive and to repent of our own transgressions, as each of us has many. Return to your first love and seek His face. He delights in us.
And to sincerely forgive which is a miracle and work only achieved by the Holy Spirit who truly knows our hearts. Many perish because we think we have forgiven and we have not fully. Father have mercy on us all. This is deep and not just an action or performance it runs so deep, and I pray the Holy Spirit gives us all a revelation of true forgiveness and repentance.
Father in the name of Jesus,
Holy Spirit I pray you fan my brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world and myself to flame right now. Set a fire within our hearts for you. Help us to cast our cares and burdens unto you Lord Jesus for you truly care about us, and love us. We give you permission to search our hearts Lord and if there be any offensive way in us lead us all in the way to everlasting. I am learning by your Spirit Father that forgiveness true forgiveness is a miracle, a work done by only the Holy Spirit. I cry out for us all right now HELP US FORGIVE in the name of Jesus. Remove all seeds of unforgiveness in our hearts help us remove them all, we chose to forgive right now, remove all bitterness from our hearts. I pray Father that you would create in all of us a pure heart and steadfast Spirit. We need you so much Jesus, this whole world needs you. Father help us not become weary or overwhelmed by the darkness of this world and the magnitude of lost souls everywhere. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on you Jesus, and our eyes and ears open with discernment to hear your unction Holy Spirit. I thank you for my brethern all of the world and all those you have given me. Bless them and help us where we are weak and blind right now.
In the name of the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS
Jesus Christ
Who is and is to come forevermore.
We are desperate for you a new touch and encounter.
Bless you, Lord for you alone are worthy of all praise.
Amen & Amen.
I love it 2021