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The Snare of The Fowler- The Howler

Writer's picture: AnnAnn

Beloved, I write today to share how thankful I am that Jesus Christ is our deliverer healer. That in Jesus we are secure and safe in His nest no matter what hell throws our way, that we can confidently look at our enemy and say the LORD REBUKE YOU! We can boast in the LORD and the blood of Jesus.

18 Then you shall again discern

Between the righteous and the wicked,

Between one who serves God

And one who does not serve Him.

Malachi 3:18 NKJV

In this hour it is urgent that in all diligence we work out our salvation with fear and trembling and guard our most precious faith. To guard this gift of salvation with our lives, trusting in the LORD. Seeking what the good and perfect will of our Father is. Also to guard our hearts with our life as well, this is a precious treasure. Those who seek it must be approved by our Heavenly Father first and only.

My brothers and sisters much war is coming and none are prepared, we must tend the sheep of the Almighty God immediately the lost sheep of Israel. May we abandon our idea on what sharing the True Gospel of Jesus Christ looks like in culture and follow the example of Jesus Christ. Fulfill our own Kingdom mandate and loose ourselves from all other selfish ambitions that did not come from the Father.

Let us make disciples like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and instruct these babes in all things of Jesus Christ, proving what is Holy. We are to make disciples not wait for them to show up.

A war is coming and the message is not peace, it is judgment. Many will fall because many brethren and shepherds lie, deceived and undiscerning. I will not lie to you of the tribulations which all of us followers of Jesus must undergo. Our cultured Christianity and even biblical sermons not lead by the Holy Spirit are not going to cut it. For those who are going the wrong way return to Jesus and repent. Let him order our steps once again.

May we learn from the countless Kings in the Holy Scriptures about the importance of God Ordained alliances. Be wise as a serpent innocent as a dove. Watch and pray. Do not be ignorant about the many vices of the evil one. The corrupt have defiled the precious word of God, and attempt to impose themselves illegally and spiritually unite themselves to the beloved children of Jesus Christ.

Do not receive every word spoken into your life, the word that matters is the Lords, most other words are lies, rebuke them, don't receive them. Do not let anyone impose a place of leadership in your life that is not the Father's will. Forsake the flesh and the power hungry and all who walk this way lusting after their own lustful desires and seeking only power and dominance over the tender sheep of Jesus.

Furthermore with no Kingdom mandate, just selfish ambition. Clouds without water.

My brothers and sisters in this hour many seek to deceive and usurp the children of God. Many are succeeding. With utmost care I encourage all my brothers and sister to sift through every single alliance you have made in your life especially in your walk with Jesus Christ and ministry old and new and take it before the Lord. Evaluate with the HOLY Spirit. It is the Lord Who calls us into the Kingdom. Many have come as wolves and baited the children of God with lies about their identity and purpose in Christ. In doing so that they may use, twist and manipulate Gods children for their own ungodly purposes. Manipulating and shaping them into their personal advantages to further their own self-made images.

Many have been called and mislead in their callings by these wolves in sheep's clothing. If anyone ever tells you a carnal human you are not a worshipper or "you suck" I'm calling that out to your face you are a LIAR and agent of the devil. Our heavenly Father does not care what your worship sounds like by human standards!! Worship is all the children's bread!! That is what we will be doing in His glory on that glorious day for eternity.

Anyone who hinders or insults the worship of a Saint of God to a Holy God is a LIAR!! I will tell you to your face to. Rebuke in Jesus name and do not receive discouragement so easily for these too are vices and snares of the enemy.

The enemy tries to strip us of our weapons many have been called to greater things than they can imagine but because of words of wicked men have been led astray and not entered into the perfect will of the Father. Please inquire to know and approve the perfect will of God. Our ideas do not trump Gods. Deny yourself and follow Him.

Many will be shocked and heartbroken when the light exposes the darkness beside us, that it is so close to us. Many serpents and false brethren are not being discerned by the watchmen and are leading the children of Israel astray.

The truth is a very very small percentage of those who say they are followers of Jesus Christ are, most are deceived.

As you discern with the Holy Spirit, as shocking as the truth may seem remember your inheritance and the work of Jesus Christ. I tell you this because I love you and firstly Jesus Christ loves you. Free yourselves little ones.

Remember that our reward is not in this life, and that this world is dying. Do not be moved by things of the FLESH we are not here to please ourselves, our lives belong to the LORD. Be spiritually minded all the time and in this, we must discern with spiritual eyes, with the Holy Spirit. Admit when you are weak for this pleases the Lord seek Him for strength. Not the sons of Adam.

Our naked eyes cannot perceive or understand the things of the Holy Spirit or the motives of the hearts of those around us. We cannot even discern the motives of our own hearts without the Holy Spirit. It is a crucial time to examine ourselves first and in that all alliances in the Kingdom and judge ourselves before the LORD.

We must not assume an open door is a right door, this often is a HUGE stumbling block of the most beloved. This is a vice of the devil and not the case or without consequence. We live in a very dark hour within the Church of Jesus Christ. Many are and will fall because of this naive carnal thinking. Look at the lives of the disciples, but first the life of our beloved Saviour Jesus.

The language of the enemy steal, kill, destroy.

Many are afflicted and putting the children of God in bondage. Seeking to usurp God Ordained authority and position that does not belong to them but their brother, and take political advantages for themselves, accepting bribes, oppressing the poor at the gates, charging for ministry which is freely given. Just like Saul.

Bless those who curse and leave room for the Lord's wrath, he will repay. Vengence belongs to the LORD. Equip for battle and seek His face for yourself with a sincere heart. Do not be fooled. Holy Spirit of truth will comfort us with truth in our time of need.

11Her heads judge for a bribe,

Her priests teach for pay,

And her prophets divine for [a]money.

Yet they lean on the Lord, and say,

“Is not the Lord among us?

No harm can come upon us.”

Micah 3:11 NKJV

I send love and may we love the LORD of Host's justice as well family. Even when ones we may once cared deeply about chose to fall into His wrath may we continue to follow Him, fearlessly. May we remember the testing of our faith works patience. That God will not be mocked and He is good in all His ways even the ones we have yet to know and experience. He is I AM.

I myself pray that the needs of the brethren are met and that this evil that has penetrated the Church of Jesus Christ be purged into the fire. May the tares and wheat be separated may the sword of the LORD divide the sheep from the goats. Turn to Jesus who makes all the crooked places straight, lean on Him.

Hold steadfast in the faith, and our pursuit of righteousness which is only found in Jesus Christ. Many will hate us but do not be surprised I encourage you to stay faithful, many will be Sandhedrin and Pharasies. For those fit to refresh please do and refresh one another in faith, hope, and love.

The world will hate us as they hated Jesus before us, but do not be dismayed. We bare the honor the mark of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I bless you my brethren globally those in the trenches fighting being persecuted all over the world. I bless you and pray that ministering angels will surround you to complete your assignments, and feed you manna from heaven. The only bread that sustains.

I pray you will not be led into temptation, and delivered from all evil. May you cast your crown before His throne and worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

May we continue and find ourselves spotless at his return. May we allow ourselves the transformation by the Holy Spirit to face hell itself.

I pray that in the times to come that His Justice and Equity be found in the Church of Jesus Christ. May all things man made that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God be dismantled now in Jesus name. Let the saints possess the Kingdom. Glory be to God.

In the Name of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS

Jesus Christ

Author & Finisher

For his love endures forever

Amen & Amen

~A woman on the cornerstone


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