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Weapons of Mass Hatred ? .

Writer's picture: Ann KushnerAnn Kushner

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

Mass Weapons of Hatred

The Subtlety of Weapons of Mass Hatred

I thought to myself for the last couple days of the very nature of humanity as we're locked up in mental projected patterns. I feel the frequency of the earth, of creation, of You God. I also feel the frequency of humanity. We' re in some odd to say the least times of the earth. I mean I never seen lower morale and ethics yet at the same time advancements in tech. What I like to call weapons of mass hatred which carry the same pulsating Shockwave effects of the real ones. Just in a more elusive way, I would like to say it is hidden but it is not, however it is ignorant.

We live in a time where God yes that's right my Heavenly Father has made history already. We are just ignorant of it. I suppose we have our own unspoken expectations on what that should look like. Nevertheless the truth of it all is, Jesus you're undoubtedly are shining and everything knows it, but just can't admit to themselves.

You are bright as the Sun and just like the Sun darkness tries to scurry around it on the outskirts. Because you're hot just like the sun and light inevitably reveals darkness, it naturally exposes it. One cannot have light and expect not to become exposed.

Day and Night day to night. This principle of truth when applied stirs up one of two things love because of the mercy of God, or hatred because our evil has been exposed.

The dialectics of humans life. Why does humanity seem to be self-destructive ? Yet we are not new? It is funny that we tend to think of destruction as a big boom this big show. These in your face kind of things antics. Yet I have been taught that life really is not normally complicated in a large frame. So or sow seed that is evil it will grow into this outrageous weapon that looks well just like a seed at first. However, we must know the seed to know the harvest.

No one plants rando seeds unsure of what it is. Seeds that are sown are chosen and we look forward to what it will produce. In good intention and principle this seems good, but when your seed is rotten what do we think we would harvest? In no condescending way this is more than an appropriate question.

Secondly, we can see this for what it is. I suppose for one it may be unruly to realize we may have planted bad seeds. On the other hand it is a blessing in disguise because what is no good has been revealed! As the ground sprouted up the Son revealed what was not His. And as much as that seems overwhelming for some, it in fact is very kingdom.

Kingdom is not 24/7 planting seed. It is weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting. If all you do is plant seed it is safe to say you know nothing about cultivation or creation. It's a process. Just like human life.

Now we have these weapons of mass hatred that grew up and have polluted and exposed themselves. Thankfully I serve a God who is merciful when we ask. The first sin after it was committed they immediately hid themselves from God. They were afraid to come in the light. As humanity continues this way, we know that it is our sin that keeps us from God. We have a certain way of not wanting to deal with it and we think God will forget it without repentance.

Humanity and life is not a game and God is not playing. How does one play with their own soul? This is the land of the living and I am thankful that we don't have pre practice Hades on earth. We are not suppose anyway, Ugggggh this is earth 🌎. Planet earth.

I often want to ask people what planet or place do you think this is? This is not Hades. I assure you that it is and by no means is a joke. So why have some allowed the enemy to stage Hades here on earth in opposition of what God has made good. We were given the lands to steward, not destruction.

Not only is hatred destructive in obvious Interpersonal ways it actually is like a shock wave that kills. Because in the Kingdom hatred is equal to murder and rebellion is equal to witchcraft. So what seeds are we sowing? Do we really know? This is also is a VERY important question to consider.

May the Lord give us all wisdom to discern the difference between what's good and evil.

In these times may faith and all things that are good and nourishing prosper and water our souls.

Jesus Christ Forevermore


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